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List of related questions and answers «Financial and payment management»

Finalization of Checkbox fiscalization
Good day! Such a question We have the following service processes https://kiyservice.1b.app/97429/ it is used to repair household appliances but so...
is it possible to open and close the shift according to the schedule?
how can you set the shift to automatically open at the set time and close at the same time?
Does not raise payments from Privat24
There was such a problem. Does not withdraw payments from 3 FOPs from privat24, payment accounts: Rs-FOP Haydak N.S. , RS-FOP Golovan I.E. , RS-FOP...
Import payments from a CSV file
The following question arose, when setting up automation to import payments from a CSV file, I do not quite understand where to place the file and ...
1 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
04.04.2024, 12:22
Rounding of pennies when checking a check.
Good day, please tell me how to implement the rounding of the amount of the process, namely pennies up to 10, for fiscalization in the Checkbox. A...
4 answer
The procedure "Creation of a sales receipt, its fiscalization and delivery to the client by email" does not work correctly
An example of incorrect operation of the procedure: There is an order for a client, for which a subprocess was created. Another order is created fr...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
18.03.2024, 09:22
EVALUATE: development of an action that will transfer the order amount to the terminal
The aim is the following: 1. There is an order in the box 2. This order has an amount to be paid by the buyer 3. It is necessary: - connect the ter...
4 answer
27.02.2024, 12:25
Payments from Wayforpay are not imported
Hello. I configured two separate actions "WayForPay statement" for two different stores to import payments. But payments were first imported only f...
CHECKBOX. Error. No check is created.
Good day. Need help from technical support. After replacing the EPC key, checks are not generated. I keep getting the message: "Invalid access toke...
1 answer
07.02.2024, 11:34
Where to get data
We need client data “ID and code from FUIB”, the bank does not know where to get it for us) They send us a file that does not contain the ID and co...