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Application Questions and Answers «Payments and cashbox»

2 answer
25.07.2023, 09:28
Search is not working properly
Here https://gamacrm.1b.app/app/payments/ in the "Process" field, you can search for a process and link it. Previously, you could specify the order...
2 answer
10.07.2023, 11:37
Automatically allocate customer payments across processes
Hello! Please tell me the automation logic once per hour for the action "Automatically distribute customer payments by processes" This functionalit...
3 answer
04.07.2023, 16:53
Incorrectly calculated the amount in the cash register
Incorrectly calculated the amount in the cash register. How to fix this glitch?
2 answer
07.05.2023, 13:26
Payment binding. Error
Good afternoon, there was a problem, unloaded payments are sometimes automatically pulled up to one client for some reason * Lyudmila. In these pay...
2 answer
04.04.2023, 12:32
Customer balance. Bug
Good day https://orc-test.kiev.ua/20623/ https://orc-test.kiev.ua/app/contact/78/ According to duties, everything is ok in the process https://www....
3 answer
03.04.2023, 13:03
payments made in processes are not displayed
In the general table of business processes, the "Paid" column does not display payments made in the processes https://topbox.1b.app/app/workflowtyp...
3 answer
06.02.2023, 18:02
Decrease Amount Received
In the Payments and cash register application, there is a block with a limit and the received amount on the right side panel. persons Is it possibl...
2 answer
27.01.2023, 14:51
Export transactions to Excel
Hello! I can not find how to export transactions to Excel. Please tell me how to do it.
2 answer
Restore payment categories
Today, I accidentally replaced the category of all payments (73,369 units) with "Sale of goods" Before that, there were other, different categories...
0 replies
11.01.2023, 22:33
Show only incoming payments
Hello. I connected integration with Monobank, in payments both crediting to the card and withdrawal are displayed. Is it possible to display only c...