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Application Questions and Answers «Payments and cashbox»

After receiving the goods of customers - a payment is created
Hello, the question arose of how to make a payment (receipt) to the account of "FOP Pupkin MV" after receiving the parcel by the client A...
1 answer
22.07.2022, 13:30
Payment not being processed correctly
Here https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/38821/# at the stage https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/150/action/new/ there is an action "...
Payments and cash desk, amounts do not match with the card
How to equalize the amount at the cash desk on the card? There is one amount in CRM, in fact, 500 UAH more per carn. How to align in SRM?
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
20.07.2022, 10:57
Additional payment
Good day, please pay the additional payment Payments and kas, you need to pay the amount of the excess on the account after the skin payment. https...
3 answer
12.07.2022, 16:55
in finance, you need to remember the logic of rozrahunka in the base currency.
Our base currency is the euro. If I put a cost (input) into the dollar kas, she wants to show her course - to go out a fool. And on the right, in t...
10 replies
08.07.2022, 14:51
Scored payments
Do not change the amount of the invoiced payment https://smile.1b.app/82/
5 replies
There was a glitch with payments
Our payments come to one account (from several Privat24 integrations) and we mark them in the one we need, and then there was a Bug and all payment...
Payments from the future and checkout errors - is it a Bug?
Previously, I already had a problem with decoupling a huge number of payments from orders and inconsistencies in the balance that arose at one mome...
3 answer
What does the checkbox "Install a payment client based on a link to a process when quickly editing a payment" do?
I need to implement trace. task: When linking a payment to a process, change the client in the payment to the client of the process. I see in the a...
2 answer
07.05.2022, 10:18
OS - Payment Cancellation
Tell me, is it possible to manually (not through the process) make the payment canceled? Or what is this field for?