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Search results for query #kasta

9 replies
14.06.2023, 11:05
During what period does the action "Import processes from Kasta.ua" extract data from Kasta and try to add it to the database?
In the settings of the action "Import processes from Kasta.ua" (which works on a per-minute basis), it is not specified in which periods the system...
2 answer
20.04.2023, 14:05
When creating a TTN return delivery, which payment method does the system transfer and how can it be changed?
The action at the "Create TTN return delivery Nova Poshta" stage for some TTNs began to issue an error "An error occurred. It was no...
2 answer
15.03.2023, 12:50
How to bypass the error when changing the status to Kasta "Unable to transfer the cost of delivery when My tariff or Kasta tariff is selected"
Action "Change order status on Kasta.ua" https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-price-platforms-and-marketplaces/16689...
11 replies
11.03.2023, 17:38
How the action works at the stage "Change the status of the order on Kasta.ua"
1. Explain how this action works and in which cases what should be selected 2. How to bypass the error if the action gives an error: {"code":"deliv...
1 answer
21.05.2022, 15:53
Hello, please tell me why it does not update product 1230001872415 by api on Kasta, although the barcode is the same as in OB
2 answer
18.05.2022, 14:37
import to Kasta by api
Hello, please tell me, when trying to unload the goods from our ONE BOX crm, the goods 16338 did not get to Kasta, what could be the reason
7 replies
15.03.2021, 17:41
kasta export of leftovers
Hello, I connected the action added the product https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/shop/products/17076/storage/ with barcodes on kasta , but avail...
8 replies
13.03.2021, 13:12
uploading goods to Kasta and importing orders
Hello, please set up the export of goods and balances and the import of orders
6 replies
01.02.2021, 09:34
Hello, you need to set up the unloading of goods on Kasta
5 replies
29.01.2021, 21:06
export of goods and import of Kasta orders
Hello, you need to set up the unloading of goods and the import of orders from the cast

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