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List of related questions and answers «Warehouse management»

2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
29.04.2023, 13:51
The reserve is not removed from the goods shipped from the warehouse
Good afternoon The reserve is not removed from the goods sold and shipped from the warehouse. Process https://arp.1b.app/8431/ There are actions "r...
1 answer
26.04.2023, 11:04
how to delete production / product
did the production wrong. Now I need to delete and get everything back. but writes that I can not delete because the goods are involved in other wa...
evaluate the refinement of the display functionality for warehouse operations
I miss when viewing the Warehouse operations for the product in this format this makes it possible to understand how quickly the balance ends, ...
0 replies
31.03.2023, 09:21
A posting in dollars is created from the order, although it should not be
We have several groups of buyers. One of them is wholesale customers. They have a separate price in the product card. Price in UAH (always was in U...
3 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
28.03.2023, 17:06
Refinement .Please rate
Hello! Please evaluate the finalization of the display in the total balance of warehouses column Sales value. Now, if you filter the warehouse,...
2 answer
21.03.2023, 12:06
Improvement: The minimum reserve of the product is to add a reserve for product filters
Please calculate the addition to the "Minimum reserve" in the warehouse: 1) In the filtering, add a function of the type "Display the balance in s...
Do you need to withdraw the reserve before selling?
There is a product that is reserved and then sold. Is it necessary to remove the reserve in order to sell, (write off) the goods from the warehouse...
8 replies
13.03.2023, 14:11
Action work Return process content to warehouse
Explain how an action works in the following situation: - 2 items shipped in progress - one product was returned manually through the Warehouse...
Why does it not correctly show the balance in the warehouse?
The photo shows the same product in 3 rows (for clarity). no warehouse is selected in line 1, shows current balances at all warehouses. in the 3r...
Why does the balance on the employee show incorrectly?
There is a video on the YouTube channel "OneBox CRM ERP" - https://youtu.be/sZukI4j1EII?t=593 (watch the video 10 seconds after pressing the string...