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List of related questions and answers «Warehouse management»

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27.09.2023, 17:20
Goods are not reserved during the action process
Process https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/361150/. There is free stock in one of the warehouses. Does not reserve goods either at the selected ...
Re-discounting_loading of goods into the re-discounting cart via import
Good afternoon There is a file with products, they have a filter (color, fabric, size), the filter data is associated with the warehouse But when...
3 answer
25.09.2023, 19:34
Select all warehouse products to move
Congratulations! In the warehouse application, it is possible to move products from one warehouse to another. For example, select a warehou...
Improvement_ Display write-offs in the interface, the ability to load goods from a file
Good afternoon To the write-off section https://inclothes.1b.app/app/storage/process/outcoming/ evaluate the addition of the ability to load goods ...
the product is stuck in the warehouse
the problem has arisen, it erroneously shows that the product is available in the warehouse in the amount of 4, although it cannot be sold, moved, ...
10 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
31.08.2023, 11:10
The reserve of shipped goods is not removed from the warehouse!
Good afternoon Processes: https://arp.1b.app/11636/ https://arp.1b.app/11540/ https://arp.1b.app/11396/ Shipped from warehouse. At several stages t...
10 replies
Work with posting and sales in the Warehouse Journal
Good day. Clarification is needed on the work of posting and selling in the Warehouse Journal. In the order, we indicate the sales price and the in...
1 answer
Personal license
23.08.2023, 16:54
The data in the additional fields of the warehouse are not displayed
Data is not displayed in additional warehouse fields related to additional product fields. 1. When stocking, fill in the fields of the warehouse (s...
2 answer
23.08.2023, 11:17
Problem with column layout on the reserve page
Shifted table headers
10 replies
17.08.2023, 22:48
In the Warehouse application, add "see balances including child warehouses"
In the Warehouse application, add the ability to see the balances of the parent warehouse, taking into account the child ones. Here is a link to th...