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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

10 replies
04.07.2023, 09:36
Vendor process not created
Since this morning no process is created for the supplier. This action stopped working at the process stage: Gives an error: Here is the BP: ht...
3 answer
04.07.2023, 09:25
Supplier order not created
Hello! Boxing - azing.1b.app. The order to the supplier has ceased to be created through the action "Create process to the supplier" at the stage o...
2 answer
27.06.2023, 17:23
You need to configure the automation of updating the price list of the supplier
You need to set up the automation of updating the supplier's price list with a specific XML link. https://kupola.kiev.ua/index.php?route=extension/...
orders do not come from the outlet
Yesterday the integration with the socket failed, I don't know why, it just disappeared, maybe I accidentally deleted it made a new one today add...
when downloading products from suppliers' prices, they fall into a non-existent category
when downloading products from suppliers' prices, they fall into a non-existent (deleted) category, although the correct category was specified in ...
Import orders from outlet (fulfillment)
Good afternoon There are orders that arrive through the fulfillment system from the outlet for some reason they come without contact details (only ...
9 replies
14.06.2023, 11:05
During what period does the action "Import processes from Kasta.ua" extract data from Kasta and try to add it to the database?
In the settings of the action "Import processes from Kasta.ua" (which works on a per-minute basis), it is not specified in which periods the system...
5 replies
12.06.2023, 13:21
What could be the reason that the order from the promotion is in UAH, but the box is unloaded in dollars?
What could be the reason that the order from the promotion is in UAH, but the box is unloaded in dollars? What needs to be fixed? Maybe it has some...
5 replies
You need to automatically fill in the "price" field from the "RRP" field
Help with a solution, how can I move the price automatically from the RRP field, which takes the price from the suppliers, to the "price" field. SC...
1 answer
The integration with the Socket stopped working after switching to the OS version
The first day everything worked (all settings were from the old version). Then the integration stopped working. When going to the settings, an erro...