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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

Unloading warehouse balances - constant column values ​​(names) are not transferred
I need help with the unloading of warehouse balances to the Avto.pro office. Here is the link to the file: https://autopartex.1b.app/media/export/3...
11 replies
03.11.2023, 20:14
Cannot find "Local Folder"
Good day! Big request for help. I can't remember where to add the file for automation "Universal product import xml/json" When I choose "Local fold...
0 replies
02.11.2023, 09:51
Consultation on the application "Recalculation of prices and availability"
Good afternoon I am addressing someone who has actively worked/is working with the “Price Recalculation and Availability” application and knows all...
Purchase price update?
Good day. Tell me how I can update the purchase price in the product card? I have a business process in which I sell products to the warehouse. I w...
3 answer
Is there an active vendor setting for the last transaction?
Tell me, is it possible to change the active supplier of the product to the one from whom the shoes were last purchased?
0 replies
Prices from quantity to price level
Hello. Products have 3 price levels (retail, wholesale and dealer). Circumstances so happened that some products had quantity settings added for wh...
1 answer
11.10.2023, 15:38
How to set up RRP transfer in OneBox?
Good afternoon. We need to transfer the RRP from the supplier with automatic integration. You need the identifier of the RRP field, through which...
5 replies
03.10.2023, 13:32
When creating a file for import to the industry, units of measurement began to be displayed incorrectly
When creating a file for import into the industry, the units of measurement began to be displayed incorrectly. Some products pcs. , others with pie...
3 answer
29.09.2023, 12:21
Getting to know the add-on
Hello. How or where can I look at this addition? Perhaps there is a demo version? Thank you
2 answer
21.09.2023, 19:35
Application settings not working or need some improvements?
In the "Price and Availability Recalculation" application there are marked settings (Price recalculation settings.png): - "Recalculate product pri...