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List of related questions and answers «SMS mailing integrations»

11 replies
16.04.2024, 18:12
SMS is not sent
A couple of templates are not sent via SMS to Viber. They give an error that SMS is disabled))) I checked everything, everything was done correctly...
1 answer
27.11.2023, 12:37
Development of integration of smsviber newsletter
Good day. Aggregator of sms and viber mailings intel-tele.com is looking for help in the development of integration for CRM OneBox Our api document...
3 answer
28.09.2023, 16:46
Sending SMS does not work
Integration is not working. SMS are not sent automatically. When trying to send manually, it gives an error. Checked the settings.
2 answer
ІнваФішки, консультант
15.09.2023, 13:09
SMS from alpha names have stopped being sent
Good day! SMS messages from alpha on behalf of InvaFishki have stopped being sent, the last one was sent on 2023-09-13 22:11:03 and after that all ...
4 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
01.09.2023, 10:53
Shalom Shabbat Orthodox gentlemen. There are 3 improvements that need to be implemented https://univer.1b.app/ 1. Transfer sending SMS to a separat...
It is not possible to delete an SMS from the sending queue
There is an action that sends an SMS to the author of the process. "Send SMS message" But there is no way to remove such an SMS from the queue
Finalization of TURBOSMS Viber integration
Good afternoon Rate the following turbosms viber can communicate with customers via chat We want to communicate through this chat, only using On...
4 answer
Personal license
05.04.2023, 19:06
It is necessary to cancel the sending of SMS messages from CRM to the Turbosms service, which are in the [awaiting sending] status
Please tell me how to cancel the sending of sms messages sent from 1BOX to the Turbosms service, which are in the [waiting for sending] status http...
2 answer
27.02.2023, 23:46
picture to message
Can you tell me if it's possible to add a picture to a message? I also can’t figure out how to make a button and attach a link to the button
7 replies
08.02.2023, 11:19
Finalization of viber business chats (who is ready to chip in?)
viber now has the functionality of business chats that can be integrated via turbo sms the essence is as follows, we can be the first to write a tr...