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Shalom Shabbat Orthodox gentlemen.
There are 3 improvements that need to be implemented
1. Transfer sending SMS to a separate cron
2. During registration in the personal account, when specifying an email or phone number that is already in the system, display the error "This phone number / email is already registered"
3. When registering in the phone number field, when choosing a number mask (For example, +380), do not skip registration if an incorrect code is entered. The joke is that you can choose, for example, Ukraine, but the +380 mask is not substituted and the client enters 073******* directly and the contact is saved without +380.
Original question is available on version: ru


shalom shabbat
1. 1h
2. Isn't there such a thing? Do you have a checkbox that prohibits duplicates? Put
3. Settings auto-format phones to 380 automatically substitute
01.09.2023, 11:09
Original comment available on version: ru

Пятецкий Николай Николаевич
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
There is a nuance to the first point.
It is necessary not only to send SMS to a separate crown, but also to send emails to a separate crown, too.
card account please.
01.09.2023, 14:21
Original comment available on version: ru

Пятецкий Николай Николаевич
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
p2. p3. Like solved, according to p2. Like a bazhin and Alexander Sergeevich Gubko I've already set a task for the BAG.
01.09.2023, 14:22
Original comment available on version: ru

sending SMS and email is allocated to separate crowns. Try sending yourself an SMS and email in an hour and check the delivery. Thank you.
19.09.2023, 11:17
Original comment available on version: ru

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