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List of related questions and answers «OneBox Integrators»

8 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
26.09.2020, 15:40
How to access the client box without eating licenses
I'm an integrator, but I can't enter the client's box If I understood everything correctly, then I need to put a tick in the rights To ...
11 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
26.09.2020, 15:37
Bonus for correct answer
Earlier we wrote that bonuses will be awarded for the correct answer, where to look and how it works and how many bonuses and how to spend them?
5 replies
22.09.2020, 15:32
need a solution for a steel structure shop
The client approached with the need to configure the system completely according to his requirements. sphere - the production of parts on the machi...
6 replies
22.09.2020, 10:54
I am looking for a specialist in the complete configuration of the online store module.
I am looking for a specialist in the complete configuration of the online store module. The module is currently connected. Integration with Google ...
3 answer
18.09.2020, 12:05
Can I run two businesses in OneBox?
The client has two business areas: a language school and a translation company. - same employees How can you build a job for two companies in boxing??
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
11.09.2020, 20:00
30% referral for selling iEXPERT
Greetings to all Partners and colleagues. I have a money offer for you so that we can all make more money. Here is my site: https://icolor.in.ua/ a...
2 answer
01.09.2020, 13:34
using a personal account for B2B
The client is engaged in the production of goods. He wants to use the client's personal account for wholesalers, so it is important that the wh...
7 replies
18.08.2020, 16:20
Booking seats on the bus for passengers
There is a client who is engaged in passenger transportation. You need to configure the functionality in such a way that: 1) there was a weekly tra...
4 answer
28.05.2020, 18:36
Cashier's workplace
Good afternoon! The OneBox tool is quite strong, but there is a big weakness in selling in the store itself. We call such sales "Pickup"....