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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with social networks»

3 answer
12.04.2022, 22:05
To create a question on the form, you need to go through 7 circles of hell
The question creation form is terribly buggy!!!
1 answer
Personal license
28.03.2022, 16:09
Fields filled in incorrectly
here https://timelearn.1b.app/form/0/3/ fields are filled incorrectly. The value was set, but it was as if it did not exist and the scale is not fi...
4 answer
07.02.2022, 14:51
messages are not sent
Hello, we have not sent messages from instagram for 3 days. We: 1. connected the integration again 2. contacted their tech support 3. checked wheth...
4 answer
29.01.2022, 15:58
Improvement: in the i2CRM application - add the ability to upload an avatar
Guys, please add to the i2CRM application the ability to receive a user's profile picture. According to the logs, I see that this data is being...
2 answer
27.01.2022, 09:32
Improvement for the action "Send a message to Instagram Direct (i2crm)"
Good afternoon! For the action on the "Send a message to Instagram Direct (i2crm)" steps, you need to add the ability to send files (in t...
3 answer
25.01.2022, 10:57
Integration with Yandex Forms
Is there a ready-made integration with Yandex forms? it is necessary to receive data in the box about the user who filled out the Questionnaire in ...
2 answer
24.01.2022, 19:15
installation error
I am attaching the screenshot of the error
5 replies
14.12.2021, 17:21
OS: Pictures do not come to the process
Guys, if the user sends a message to direct and the first message is of the type "picture" (file), "post", link or something el...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
13.12.2021, 09:39
Refinement assignment of additional fields to utm_source source
Purpose: the client (group - partner) in the personal account should be able to add utm_source to his registered source. As we see the implementati...
Increased the number of forms and processes
6.12 I made changes to the finalized form https://astelitgroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/forms/7/edit/ and 2 processes https://astelitgroup.crm-onebox.c...