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Refinement assignment of additional fields to utm_source source

Purpose: the client (group - partner) in the personal account should be able to add utm_source to his registered source.
As we see the implementation:
We have the creation of a process from a personal account, there we display additional. a field in which the client writes the url of his store. Then you need to create (finish the action) "Adding UTM source to the client source", where with add. The process field is added to the utm_source field of the Client Source (Figure 1)
When an action tries to add a site to the utm_source of a partner's (client's) Source, it must check the number of sources already in that store.
If there are 10 sources (the maximum number), then automatically create a source with the same name, only at the end adding a number in brackets, for example, "Social networks (1)" and assigning it a parent source, the one in the partner's source, for example, "Social . networks". And now, when utm_source is ad
Original question is available on version: ru


Пятецкий Николай Николаевич
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
So, the task can be closed. I will be doing this revision in January.
18.12.2021, 11:43
Original comment available on version: ru

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