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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with online stores»

2 answer
05.02.2024, 17:17
Transmission of visibility for Magento
in automation settings https://drophubua.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Export products to Magento https://i.imgur.com/vF5YfGw.png I pass vis...
11 replies
30.01.2024, 18:35
BAG - BOX exported 50,520 products that are not specified in the export action and duplicated the existing ones.
There is an action "Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via DB)" with configured export parameters (export settings.png...
12 replies
22.01.2024, 17:23
Bug in the setting "Delete options from opencart that OneBox has not updated for the product"
In the action “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics into opencart (via database)” there is a setting “Delete options from opencart th...
12 replies
09.01.2024, 15:19
In "Export goods to Hoshohop" add the ability to put a "dot" symbol
In the action “Export goods to Hoshohop” there is a field “Field in Hoshohop (valid characters az 0-9 _):” but it is not possible to specify the “d...
0 replies
09.01.2024, 13:20
Question about the old modification: "Additional categories Good"
Previously, I ordered the modification “Rework on the Horoshop application (categories and filters)” before launching the site - https://1b.app/ru/...
5 replies
02.01.2024, 17:52
When exporting the Product Manufacturer, the Store is not filled.
When exporting products with the action "Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via DB)" the product and brand tables in O...
24 answer
29.12.2023, 18:16
Optimizing the operation of the "Update availability in opencart" action
Good afternoon Is it possible to optimize the operation of an action so that it runs in a few seconds? Is there a direct upload to the database? C...
The site gives an error 502+504 Nothing is loading Help
The site gives an error 502+504 Nothing is loading Help https://rovo.org.ua/gaykoverti-akkumulyatornie/ https://prnt.sc/UzAVVV8YFNf7
3 answer
26.12.2023, 17:54
Does anyone use the product unloading conditions settings in the "Unload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via DB)" action?
I wonder if the setting (settings.png) of the terms of product withdrawal in OpeCart works for anyone? "Unload only products that have been update...
2 answer
26.12.2023, 13:24
Orders stopped being imported into boxing
Hello. A couple of days ago, orders from opencart stopped being imported. Noted which stopped working https://prnt.sc/It4vDmiCvwE9 https://cabinet....