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Margin calculation
Good afternoon, here in my table of products, when there is no discount - there is a column for the final discount, when I insert a discount - this...
5 replies
Block 1.5 Problem of averaging the purchase price in orders
After updating to OneBox OS, the modification we paid for was missing. Now we do not have the correct margin on orders due to the fact that the inc...
2 answer
05.10.2023, 17:50
The number of tasks increases significantly per day
Hello! In https://topbox.1b.app/desktop/, the number of tasks increases by more than 10 thousand per day. That is, at the beginning of today, the n...
1 answer
26.09.2023, 13:13
The "duplicate action" button does not work in the procedure designer
The "duplicate action" button does not work in the procedure designer. It doesn't show any error, nothing happens Example link https://sambag.crm-...
1 answer
19.09.2023, 12:12
The order page does not work correctly
It has been impossible to work with orders for the second day in a row. When updating the page, it moves back several orders and in order to see th...
4 answer
06.09.2023, 09:03
Goods are not loaded correctly into the process from the goods loading block
Here https://fr-auto.1box.link/65622/ (For the test, you can delete the product in the order) based on the task https://1b.app/ru/forum/for-tasks-...
3 answer
03.09.2023, 18:59
Items in progress not showing
Good afternoon. Today products are no longer displayed in some processes. Here is an example of the process: https://crm.sportmarket.ua/216288/ Per...
4 answer
30.08.2023, 13:39
The price, quantity and discount in the table of products in the process have flown
Process https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/352998/ flew off The logs show that from 2023-08-29 14:56:10 there are a bunch of records with change...
2 answer
17.08.2023, 17:45
Changing the display of images in processes
https://crm.tryalia.com.ua/ Previously, in photo image processes, full screen 1 was displayed Now displays cropped as on screen 2 What caused...
1 answer
Personal license
17.08.2023, 08:44
Error 500 and 504
For the process https://ariabride.1b.app/51230/edit/, the console gave a 500 error when going to the sent stage - https://monosnap.com/file/5F1Evs4...