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List of related questions and answers «Financial and payment management»

don't delay payments
Tell me, is it possible to make an improvement so that payments are pulled up once?
5 replies
Друкарня "Друкарик"
13.09.2023, 12:23
Transfer of tax rates from Vanbox to Checkbox
Checks created through the Checkbox portal and through Vanbox are different. The latter have no tax rate. Can you elaborate? Here is a check create...
3 answer
12.09.2023, 18:11
In finance, in payment, there is a standard "Comment" field, how can you copy data from it to the process?
There is an incoming payment, some data is indicated in the comments, I would like to add this data to the process and then change the person in ch...
2 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
11.09.2023, 09:51
Checkbox&monobank settings
Is it possible to create check blanks for the Checkbox for Acquiring in Box? This is an additional type of payment in "monobank" checks. A check is...
3 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
11.09.2023, 09:37
API changes - Checkbox and New Mail have created an integration
Checkbox and Nova Poshta have created an integration that allows you to create check blanks, and after the client receives the package with payment...
5 replies
07.09.2023, 12:59
Need revision with rounding off the price of goods with a discount
It is required that the prices of goods are always integers. Even after applying the discount. Therefore, it is necessary that the rounded price be...
Payment notification
Good day. Tell me how to set up a notification about an incoming payment?
2 answer
01.09.2023, 14:32
Problem with displaying the settings of the action "Creating a sales receipt, fiscalizing it and delivering it to the client by email"
Some signatures are not displayed, the value of the payment type has flown.
3 answer
30.08.2023, 15:09
Duplicate payment
Good afternoon, faced such problem. We have an order stage - Cash on delivery received, which pays for the order. But today something went wrong an...
2 answer
29.08.2023, 10:25
Transfer funds between wallets
The type of transfer "from wallet to wallet" has disappeared Please fix it.