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What does "Upload" automation mean?

Good afternoon!
There is a "Upload" action. The description is not clear, please explain what happens when this action is performed (preferably with an example) and what does it affect? The expression "actually shipped from the warehouse" is especially not clear - https://prnt.sc/wk71fd
Thanks in advance for your reply!
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon. There is a field "Date of posting / shipment of the order" in the process. This field is used in part of automation actions, reports, etc. The specified action sets the given date but does not physically perform the sell-from-stock operation. Those. the action simply writes the date.
11.01.2021, 11:04
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry
dev wrote:
Good afternoon. There is a field "Date of posting / shipment of the order" in the process. This field is used in part of automation actions, reports, etc. The specified action sets the given date but does not physically perform the sell-from-stock transaction. Those. the action simply writes the date.

Good afternoon!
Thanks for the answer.
Please clarify, do I understand correctly?
For example: if I want to go to the stage when selling goods, a real write-off was performed and the actual time of this write-off was registered (for reports), do I need to set 2 actions "Ship" and "Sell the contents of the process from the warehouse" at the same stage?
11.01.2021, 12:04
Original comment available on version: ru

No, if you sell all the goods of the process, then the action "Sell the contents of the process from the warehouse" should put the date in the specified field anyway. The "Ship" action is needed only if you did not sell everything or do not carry out a warehouse operation at all
11.01.2021, 12:43
Original comment available on version: ru

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