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Why were 5 processes created instead of 1?


Hello. From each of your closed processes, one new, unclosed one was created. The action is triggered at the stage for each process in the status on which you configured it
05.10.2020, 14:29
Original comment available on version: ru

All processes except the last closed were closed before the action was set.
This is if I now put this action on the BP, where there are tens of thousands of closed processes, then new processes will come out for all?
05.10.2020, 14:32
Original comment available on version: ru

The action does not look whether your process is closed or not. It is run for processes that have a Schedule date in the current week.
05.10.2020, 14:36
Original comment available on version: ru

Doesn't it work for processes that had a transition to a stage with this action?
05.10.2020, 15:31
Original comment available on version: ru

For processes that at the time of launching the actions are AT the stage at which the action is configured and for which the Schedule date is set for the current week. For example:
I make myself a BP "Buy 2kg of buckwheat", I want it to be reminded once a week. 1 time I create myself bp for the current week. Cron runs at night, looks that I have the task "Buy buckwheat" this week and sets the same one for the next week. Then comes the trail. a week and from task 2 task #3 is already being created, and so on ad infinitum.
05.10.2020, 15:36
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
For processes that, at the time of launching the action, are AT the stage at which the action is configured and for which the Schedule date is set for the current week

Why such logic? And it's not written in action.
I need to create a process every day. It turns out that several processes will be created every day, because. is there always closed this week?
Shouldn't it be that the process went to the stage with the Repeat Action and this process was repeated. Why repeat others?
05.10.2020, 15:43
Original comment available on version: ru

Farkhshatov Rodion
Client wrote:
Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote: For processes that shouldn't it be that the process moved to the stage with the Repeat Action and this process was repeated. Why repeat others?

Well, you ALSO transferred others to the stage. Why do you have any "others"?? You have 5 processes at the stage, EACH of the 5 processes has created for itself the next process. Tomorrow each of the new ones will create for itself the next one (once, one process creates ONE time ONE next). As a result, you will repeat 5 processes every day. What's wrong, can you explain to me?
05.10.2020, 15:57
Original comment available on version: ru

I wrote at the beginning that after setting the action to the stage, only one process was closed.
"Others" were closed when there was no replay action on the stage yet.
05.10.2020, 16:18
Original comment available on version: ru

The action does not care when you closed a particular task. It does not look at the closing date at all. It runs once a day at night and processes all the processes, according to the logic that I described above. Do you understand this?
To start creating only one task at the moment, delete the extra ones and leave only one, it will be repeated every day.
Second option: set a schedule date for all other processes (that don't need to be repeated) for the past week
Third option: create a new stage and transfer all other processes there
05.10.2020, 16:24
Original comment available on version: ru

You have a big usability problem in Boxing, how do you suggest that I understand that your action will work once a day? I put it on a specific stage and expect that when I go to that stage, it will work.
Write about it and don't be surprised by the questions.
05.10.2020, 16:51
Original comment available on version: ru

Here you are wrong. If you open the action settings, there is usually a checkmark / Clock in the left corner. When you hover over this element, a tooltip tells you when the action will be fired. Those. when the action will be launched, you can find out in the settings of the action itself, which is quite logical and convenient.
05.10.2020, 16:55
Original comment available on version: ru

This is not in the new interface http://joxi.ru/8AnadyaIyNZep2
In the old yes, it is convenient.
But again, when you set an action to a stage in the BP structure, you expect it to be executed by the processes that moved to this stage after setting the action.
I can only guess that all the processes of the current week are being checked. Why not the current day or month? Where is the link to the week?
05.10.2020, 17:36
Original comment available on version: ru

At the time of writing the action on the TK, it was necessary to make a binding to the week, here you have a binding to the week. For the current day or month, there are corresponding actions: Repeat the process after N days, Repeat the process every month, and so on. The flexibility of setting up such actions simply goes off scale, after as much as you want, after as much as it will create a process.
Do you have any questions about this issue?
05.10.2020, 17:40
Original comment available on version: ru

As far as I know and used this action, it works like this:
1. Create 1 task - transfer to the stage where the task is closed and this action is worth it - if the next task has not yet been generated in this process on the right day - it will be created and it does not matter when you added the action to this stage.
2. Then if you created two or more processes and at the same time added an action to these stages when closing, 2 or more following processes will be created.
3. if a chain is obtained, for example, 1 process was created, closed with this action - another 1 process was created according to the condition the next day, then when closing it - the next day only 1 process will be created, based on the closing of the previous one, and on the basis of the first in the chain will no longer be created, since the next process has already been on it.
The key to all this is "Next Process", if the closed process already has a value in the "Next Process" field, i.e. the next process was created, it will not be re-created by this automation.
The "Next Process" field can be displayed in the process interface in the generic block.
In order for the chain to be interrupted, you need to close it with another stage that does not have this automation, but only the "Close" automation
05.10.2020, 17:55
Original comment available on version: ru

Rodion, please mark the answer that helped you so that the task does not hang open.
09.10.2020, 17:01
Original comment available on version: ru

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