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Application Questions and Answers «Mail»

1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
03.08.2021, 21:14
The letter was not parsed into the event (which was in spam yesterday)
1. Yesterday (Jul 28, 2021 5:18 PM) emailed From d.krivushko@partner.prom.ua Today I found that the letter did not enter the box Here is the filter...
4 answer
Personal license
03.08.2021, 20:19
how not to do it on the skin trim sheet?
if a sheet arrives at the integrated mail, which can be removed, then it will be applied to the skin trim and come out, the leaves are duplicated: ...
Connect SMTP is Fail, corporate email
Good day. Implemented integration with corporate mail server. The settings are the same, both for IMAP and for SMTP. Input leaves are transferred t...
2 answer
21.07.2021, 10:01
OS: Images from emails are not displayed
The images from the emails are no longer displayed. Can be corrected?
3 answer
16.07.2021, 17:30
Possible solutions for the inclusion of non-baggage mail
Vinikla is a problem from the inclusion of unbaggable mail for the form of roses. Crying, yakі є mozhlivі variant zaboroni nadіslannya form on rand...
2 answer
14.07.2021, 10:55
Mail integration
Good afternoon! We have this mail ukraine@rulomatik.com link to the mailer itself https://webmail.rulomatik.com/ she is turkish the question is, wi...
3 answer
09.07.2021, 16:15
Need a list of IP addresses
Our security service needs the IP addresses of the OneBox mail servers with which the exchange of letters takes place, for the exchange settings
1 answer
09.07.2021, 14:42
Turn a letter into a process
Is it possible to place an order on the basis of a letter. Let's say a letter arrives with a heading - an order has been placed and the outcome...
Need a list of IP addresses
Our security service needs the IP addresses of the OneBox mail servers with which the exchange of letters takes place, for the exchange settings
7 replies
02.07.2021, 21:01
Sending new emails (not working properly)
After successful integration with GMAIL, in order to send a new letter, you need to select "sent". In other cases, the new mail button is...