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Application Questions and Answers «Mail»

2 answer
02.11.2021, 11:01
Parser not working
Email integration configured https://montazhka.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/imap-11/control/ But the mail is not being pulled. The integr...
3 answer
27.10.2021, 12:16
Creating a process from a letter with customer data
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ The action Turn an email into a process is configured The problem is that we always ...
6 replies
Is it possible to download mail only from a specific IMAP folder
Is it possible to download mail only from a specific IMAP folder? I found this setting: "Ignore directories (specify several in encoded form, ...
6 replies
29.09.2021, 20:51
Substituting the process number in the subject line when sending from a process
When sending a letter from a process, the process #ID of the process is automatically substituted in the subject of the letter. Can I remove the au...
Required to tidy up from the Submit fixation of the sheet from the Redirect mail
Next food: We have set up forwarding of incoming lists from the mailbox to the domain astelitgroup.com to a mailbox for the box.astelitgroup.com do...
9 replies
22.09.2021, 12:37
Gmail integration
Good afternoon. Letters from Gmail stopped coming into the system. For our part, nothing has changed in the integration.
1 answer
21.09.2021, 09:56
Integration of your OneBox rybalkashop.com.ua
For a month, a message arrives - Attention! Integration of your OneBox rybalkashop.com.ua with mailbox sales@rybalkashop.com.ua does not work. Reas...
4 answer
17.09.2021, 15:49
OS - Bug (to put it mildly) mail
In general, it is impossible to work with mail. It is generally impossible to open it, you have to wait so long that it is better not to wait. You ...
If you try, write a note on the page from the side of My account, it appears that the return address is incorrect (the correct address, and not the...
Do not process autosubmission of postal addresses
When writing a sheet from the reference card https://astelitgroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users/9/ 1. Do not automatically select the correct pos...