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Application Questions and Answers «API»

1 answer
26.10.2022, 10:59
Does not update the products in the order through the API
Here is an example of an order https://fr-auto.1box.link/1488/ Here is the log of the renewal of the order by goods (you need to search by order nu...
2 answer
19.10.2022, 09:47
method - /api/storage-translocation/product/updatebalance/
Hello! Box - flexservice.1b.app I make a request to update the balance in the warehouse using the /api/storage-translocation/product/updatebalance/...
8 replies
06.10.2022, 12:40
Change encoding to utf-8 when passing process to API
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/47/action/new/ Action "Submit process to API setup". You need to transfer data in ut...
13 replies
Project Manager
14.09.2022, 14:43
API for different site languages
Good day gentlemen! There are questions about the API. Onebox works in Russian and Ukrainian, they switched to Ukrainian only, but there were probl...
5 replies
How to get parent process id
How to get parent process Id in /api/v2/order/get/ request?
1 answer
02.09.2022, 13:02
/api/v2/token/get/ error: Count license
Good day. https://inox-trade.1b.app Everything worked before. But now it started giving error {"status":0,"errorArray":["C...
5 replies
01.09.2022, 11:15
what paths and creds to use to access and work with api.
https://1b.app/ru/api/orders/ using the url I created earlier - I can't get through. writes 404. neither by http nor by https here is a link to...
Api OneBox - request for improvement
Good afternoon! You need to add the 'barcode' field to the /api/storage-balance/get/ method This is necessary to synchronize balances acros...
Copy process link to add. process field
Good afternoon. There is a need to transfer the process link to third-party software through the API. How can I automatically copy the process link...
5 replies
25.07.2022, 18:59
Passing multipart/form-data files via API
Here is the procedure https://univer.1b.app/app/workflow/15/procedure/5/ you need to transfer the file via api request and multipart/form-data tran...