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Search results for query #lysenko@constantagro

2 answer
Item search not working
Good afternoon! When I enter the article in the search bar in the upper right corner in the list of goods, the product is not found. Searches by na...
24 answer
08.10.2020, 09:41
Acquisition of additional licenses
Can I take the cloud "tariff -3" to the existing 14 licenses. At the same time, I will have both my perpetual licenses and a cloud plan.
15 replies
Newsletter logs
Good afternoon! With enviable regularity, we do not send letters through scheduled mailings. Where can I see the logs and understand the reasons? I...
8 replies
Default wallet in payments
Good afternoon! In payments, the Kassa wallet is installed by default and I have to change it every time to the one I need. Sometimes I forget to d...
5 replies
Ukrainian language
Good afternoon! I ask you to pay attention to the quality of the translation of boxing into "nightingale". And then one gets the impressi...
5 replies
How to link a contact card to a FB account
I made contact in vanbox. Then I found this person in FB/messenger. How can I connect them with each other so that I can write messages to the mess...
2 answer
YouScore filling in standard fields
Good afternoon! I am setting up automatic filling in details from the YouScore service, but I found that the data can only be written in the add. f...
3 answer
Mass actions on add. contact fields
Good afternoon! I ask, if possible, to expand the functionality of the bulk action panel over contacts. Namely, to add the ability to change data i...
4 answer
Can't delete old mailings
Good afternoon! In the mailing list, some of them are displayed without references to the number. Accordingly, I cannot fall into it and delete it....
4 answer
Remove a person from a chat
Good afternoon! How to remove the interlocutor from the chat in the program? I found the "add employee" and "leave the chat" fu...

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