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Search results for query #rodionfrkhshtv@gmail.com

5 replies
24.10.2020, 15:50
Action operation Automatically start/repeat the same process
Setting at the stage Shift is closed - http://joxi.ru/vAWWbwWTO3bPeA In one day, 2 processes were closed. Accordingly, the next day, 2 were also cr...
21 answer
20.10.2020, 13:37
Problem with Nova Poshta block in progress
Situations: 1. The client filled in the address field manually, and did not select from the directory 2. In the box, the IR database is updated ext...
10 replies
18.10.2020, 13:06
Delivery in check
Can you tell me what to do if shipping is included in the price of the order? It is not transferred to the check and it turns out that the amount o...
9 replies
As soon as the goods in the warehouse end - the price becomes = 0
There are products, they have a cent recalculation, everything works correctly, the checkbox is checked -> recalculate prices for products, even...
3 answer
05.10.2020, 15:32
Usability improvements when filtering by dates
Please make presets for dates in the filter. Now it is very inconvenient to navigate through dates. For example, as in Google Adwords http://joxi.r...
9 replies
23.09.2020, 17:35
Please display the barcode in the section Remains in warehouses. This is the most generic item identifier. It is vital. Also, there is a field Barc...
21 answer
01.09.2020, 19:20
Restoring posting records
I am applying for ticket 2015442197, I hope for a dialogue directly with the developers. I provided detailed proof that the posting was. The number...

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