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Search results for query #facebook

4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
08.09.2020, 09:00
Not sending messages to/from FB messenger
There is a customized integration with FB messenger Here: https://icolor.in.ua/crm-onebox-iexpert/ Potential client contacts via Messages http://pr...
2 answer
06.09.2020, 12:44
How to upload leads from Facebook forms to Onebox
Hello. There is a need to receive leads from Facebook forms in the box. Found your 2019 integration video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKqIvDZyb...
5 replies
02.09.2020, 12:59
Warehouse work in a coffee shop
The client has a coffee shop. They need to keep records of products sold, namely: When a client comes and orders a drink, it should already be adde...
4 answer
28.08.2020, 16:43
Facebook Page Integration
Good afternoon. We have created a Facebook page with a community. Tell me, please, how can you integrate the ability to receive messages from Faceb...
2 answer
26.08.2020, 14:18
Can I show Facebook ads to specific leads?
Is it possible to show Facebook ads to certain leads at a certain stage of the business process?
3 answer
Transfer data from Facebook lead form to OneBox and vice versa
Since OneBox does not have integration with Facebook CRM It is possible to transfer leads through zapier services, they have integration with Faceb...

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