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Search results for query #отчёты

8 replies
Incorrect indicators in the report after uploading to XLS
2 answer
Error in uploading XLS file
in the report "balance change in warehouses" if you upload the file in XLS, then the data in the file is confused, the amount sold and th...
1 answer
Additional question on the report
https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/reports-and-analytics/7346-dorabotka-bloka-otc... - there was such a consultati...
10 replies
Refinement of the block of reports: Table of contacts
In such a table https://prnt.sc/107kqfy , additional logic is needed 1) Add a column - Maximum sales per month: We look at the client by the date o...
3 answer
16.02.2021, 17:43
Report on the number and amount of processes that passed a certain process status
Good afternoon. Tell me what is the best report you can use to see the amount and number of processes that were in a certain status for a certain p...
3 answer
Evaluate report development
Client's goal: To make 2 reports on Sales by managers and Sales by Products and categories about his TK It is considered to take the tables of ...
Incorrect data in the Process Steps Event Statistics report
Good afternoon! The Process Stages Event Statistics report displays incorrect data on the number of incoming and outgoing emails, showing the same ...
11 replies
03.02.2021, 18:55
General question
Hello, please tell me how it happened that from the order https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/807615/edit/ one product was included...
6 replies
How can I make a report on a data expert with CRM?
Is it possible to make a report that shows absolutely all the actions of system users related to the export of any data (orders, contacts, etc.)
Question about the work of the P&L report
Where does the amount for the Item revenue field on the P&L report come from? Is it the sum of processes with goods sold? Or is it the sum of a...

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