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Search results for query #категория

Category assignment bug
Bug when assigning categories. Using the copy functionality in the "list products" section, after assigning a category to a product, the ...
12 replies
28.10.2020, 14:26
Category output about search
https://prnt.sc/v8mqyg In many places there is a problem with searching in categories. Please add the output of the parent to the value you are loo...
The button for selecting by parameters does not work in the mobile version
https://m.pokupay.kiev.ua/ If you go to the product category, let's say https://m.pokupay.kiev.ua/palatki/ - the selection by parameters button...
68 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.10.2020, 16:04
Special prices for the client, taking into account the category and brand
Good afternoon, now in the functionality there is an opportunity for each client to make special prices: 1. prices for individual goods, indicating...
2015632433 - Unloading the main category on Wordpress
Improved so that when unloading products on Wordpress with the action “WordPress / Export Products”, the main product category in OneBox is unloade...
9 replies
11.09.2020, 10:41
Category disappears
Hello. Yesterday I created the category "Bathroom accessories" id 11991, but it disappeared. The second time I create and it disappears. ...
2015613228 - BP action “Change the value of the additional field of the process product depending on the category”
The action of the business process “Change the value of the additional field of the process product depending on the category” has been improved. I...
10 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
20.08.2020, 18:59
Does not display products when moving to another category, if it was on the second page
I am here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/?filtercustomkodkategoriirozetka23=&f... That is on the second page. Then I go to another cate...
2015602989 - Improved category output when searching for a product in progress
The ability to display the column “Category” has been improved in the interface block of the “Product Search” process - the column shows the entire...
1 answer
03.07.2019, 14:59
Refine category export
Add a type of category export that a person can work with. Namely: - unload the tree of categories, keeping its structure; - show the entire hierar...

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