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Search results for query #доступ

3 answer
Personal license
05.10.2022, 18:51
Employees cannot enter the box
help solve the issue of entering the box https://1b.app/ua/contact-access/zapara.com.ua/ neither I nor the employee can enter maybe the licenses ar...
3 answer
Personal license
04.10.2022, 12:22
The employee cannot log in to the box
Hello! Encountered a user login problem. We created a password that contains uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation marks - a &qu...
10 replies
Error 500 when sending the login and password to the employee
Error 500 when sending the login and password to the employee, tried to provide access with the registered password, but still does not let the emp...
4 answer
Personal license
23.08.2022, 09:30
licenses for hi-art.com.ua have disappeared
Hello! they transferred the box to another server and upgraded, after that it gives an error that there are no licenses. can you fix temporarily li...
4 answer
31.07.2022, 15:15
Restore access
Good afternoon. I was thrown out of Boxing (buhdip.1b.app), and now it says that access is denied. + in my personal account I don’t have the boxes ...
3 answer
12.07.2022, 16:52
Access rights
Є group of spіvrobіtnikіv https://kolotebe.1b.app/app/acl/aclgrouppermission/2/ here є nalashtuvannya on requests https://kolotebe.1b.app/app/workf...
6 replies
Personal license
29.06.2022, 16:39
A few questions about OneBox ID
Hello! The client switched to the OS last week and experienced difficulties once OneBox ID started working. Please help to understand in more detai...
5 replies
22.06.2022, 13:44
Not valid entry to misterparket.com
Not valid entry to misterparket.com Pardon 451 Your OneBox license has reached the maximum number of sessions I have an MVP box without the dії lin...
3 answer
It is not possible to install applications on our box
Here is the box http://box.os.generator.ua/desktop/ Here I am the owner But I can't install apps on this box Please fix, we can't test th...
7 replies
13.06.2022, 17:07
Unable to recover user password for is.crm-onebox.com
Good afternoon! Please help me restore access for is.crm-onebox.com It was necessary to change the password, I did it through the "Users and e...

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