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Search results for query #доступ

2 answer
29.04.2024, 14:11
The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0
Good afternoon, please help me solve the problem: The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0
Error 500 during actions
Since yesterday (04/08/2024), employees cannot move around warehouses and click procedures, write comments in processes says "an unexpected error ...
4 answer
Change of access rights to the company account
Good day. The access rights to drukmagic.1b.app have changed, in what way is it possible to restore the rights of the account administrator, when t...
7 replies
25.10.2023, 17:06
Access only to processes in which the employee is responsible
Congratulations! For example, there is a group of access rights https://insiders.crm-onebox.com/app/acl/aclgrouppermission/3/ It has 5 employees. T...
2 answer
11.05.2023, 11:41
Expected arrival. Access rights
Good day What should be opened in the access rights to see the expected arrival of the product? Managers have open, almost everything in the wareho...
4 answer
Personal license
11.04.2023, 20:18
One of the employees does not have access to the box
What can reset an employee's access hourly? Only one card applies, there are no other problems. There is no action on any of the crowns that blocks...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
27.01.2023, 10:58
Problem: throws out from all Boxes
Good afternoon! The last time he starts to throw out from the Boxes. I go into the settings of the designer, automation, business processes immedia...
Employee access
Good afternoon. How to give employees access to view details and select our companies in a deal, but not give them the right to edit company details?
5 replies
11.11.2022, 15:29
I accidentally deleted the rights to my box
Hello There was a problem with access to the box after changing the password in the box account https://1b.app/ru/forum/users-and-access-management...
8 replies
10.11.2022, 11:23
Can't enter box
Hello. After changing the password from my account, I can’t enter the box, you are trying to log in from an unauthorized IP address.

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