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List of related questions and answers «Working with files and data»

2 answer
14.09.2023, 16:33
File size limit for storage
Congratulations! When trying to upload a file to the system, we received an error screen 1. The file size is 68.6 MB Is there a file size limit ...
1 answer
28.08.2023, 18:02
Formulas for searching and substituting under the name of all other data
I have a table that contains the first name, last name, department, code and date of employment of employees. I need to enter a formula in a separa...
1 answer
17.08.2023, 21:31
Help finding a formula
Is it possible to choose a formula so that it can calculate how many "Failed" transactions were made only before the first "Completed"? All other t...
3 answer
23.06.2023, 15:00
SUMIF function not working
In a cell, the SUMIF function with a date does not work, perhaps this is due to the fact that the date is not entered manually, but is triggered us...
Finalization of automatization of import of warehouse balances in Google spreadsheet
Good afternoon there is this action it unloads data from warehouse everything works well but we need to refine this action is it possible...
6 replies
15.05.2023, 12:29
Where can I see the amount of memory used on the company's cloud?
The situation is as follows. A month ago, I uploaded products with images. The image took about 5 GB of memory on the cloud. I paid for the occupie...
Excessive compression of photos
When uploading photos to OneBox, the photos lose quality. The weight of the original is 774 KB Weight after download 142Kb Is it possible to fix...
1 answer
20.02.2023, 17:24
Assistance in importing exchange rates
Who can help to prescribe the formula in unloading the selling euro card rate from the site kurs.com.ua. Write to the cart @VasiliyMaslianik. Reaso...
3 answer
Personal license
07.02.2023, 19:16
Saving to a folder from add. process or contact fields
box https://univer.1b.app/desktop/ Here they wrote https://1b.app/ru/forum/working-with-files-and-data/15443-realizovat-deystvie-so...
Doesn't log in
Good afternoon. No access to - https://sobr.crm-onebox.com/ The page does not open. Please check. Tomorrow is a working day, employees will not be ...