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Import filters (characteristics) via xls bypassing empty filters

I had a need to load characteristics into box products from other product cards.
To do this, I loaded the necessary cards from another site into the box, uploaded them along with the characteristics, id in xls, corrected the id and tried to upload it back.
But at this point, I ran into a problem. The box unloads the name of the filter in the column, regardless of whether the product from the row has this filter or not. https://prnt.sc/u6r4ff).
As a result, it turns out that each product that I update has all the possible characteristics from the xls file.
I need to download only those that relate to a specific product. Example of import settings https://prnt.sc/u6r3sx
Ie it is necessary for me that filters with empty values are not loaded into the box. I have been writing to support for a month now, so that they would calculate the cost of such an improvement - there was no answer. Already on Monday they asked me to write here.
Please advise what can be done in this case?
Original question is available on version: ru


In the functionality of importing products via xls, you can make it not to load empty filters - it will take 1 hour.
You can also make a block in the product, in which you enter the id of the product from which you want to transfer the filter and they will be copied from it (it will take 2 hours). This will help avoid uploading to xls and loading back.
27.08.2020, 13:42
Original comment available on version: ru

Did you understand how to discuss the task with you and proceed with the implementation?
27.08.2020, 13:54
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry Employee wrote:
Hello. In the functionality of importing products via xls, you can make it not to load empty filters - it will take 1 hour. You can also make a block in the product, in which you enter the id of the product from which you want to transfer the filter and they will be copied from it (it will take 2 hours). This will help avoid uploading to xls and loading back.

Dmitry, how can I contact you regarding the launch of the implementation of the revision?
31.08.2020, 15:51
Original comment available on version: ru

@Bodyako Dmitry how long to wait for an answer? Sorry, but this is not serious. I have been talking with your support team about this improvement for a month now and I just can’t get an answer and start implementing
01.09.2020, 10:46
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon, we have established a mechanism for accepting such tasks from the forum and can start the task in work. If so, please specify which email address to send the invoice to.
07.09.2020, 14:13
Original comment available on version: ru

07.09.2020, 18:50
Original comment available on version: ru

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