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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

1 answer
19.07.2023, 00:11
Hello, I made an order, they said to wait, I'm waiting for the second day already, the number does not come, what should I do in such a situation?
5 replies
13.07.2023, 15:50
Does the declared functionality of OneBox OS not work?
In the video overview of OneBox OS functionality https://youtu.be/lRhmDT2efuc and video instructions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De9jMvf5LE0, i...
9 replies
10.07.2023, 11:26
Prices and product availability are not automatically recalculated after supplier product updates
After downloading the price list (xlsx) of the supplier (https://core.extraparts.com.ua/app/supplier/step/index/, ID30), the data on the quantity, ...
export of goods
how to make sure that when exporting goods, the values ​​in the fields are replaced? for example, there is a "tire diameter" filter and the value R...
3 answer
04.07.2023, 10:44
Error in the order of the supplier
Today, the creation of a supplier order from a customer order stopped. Tell me what the problem is? https://feshemebel.crm-onebox.com/70424/
10 replies
04.07.2023, 09:36
Vendor process not created
Since this morning no process is created for the supplier. This action stopped working at the process stage: Gives an error: Here is the BP: ht...
3 answer
04.07.2023, 09:25
Supplier order not created
Hello! Boxing - azing.1b.app. The order to the supplier has ceased to be created through the action "Create process to the supplier" at the stage o...
2 answer
27.06.2023, 17:23
You need to configure the automation of updating the price list of the supplier
You need to set up the automation of updating the supplier's price list with a specific XML link. https://kupola.kiev.ua/index.php?route=extension/...
orders do not come from the outlet
Yesterday the integration with the socket failed, I don't know why, it just disappeared, maybe I accidentally deleted it made a new one today add...
when downloading products from suppliers' prices, they fall into a non-existent category
when downloading products from suppliers' prices, they fall into a non-existent (deleted) category, although the correct category was specified in ...