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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

Improvement of the calculator on the website
Needs improvement https://tashuta.ua When choosing a product, the calculator now calculates: (product price + option price + option price2...) *...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
02.02.2024, 10:56
You need to configure the action: Generate the name of the product according to the template
Please tell me what settings need to be made in the action Create the name of the product according to the template The goal is to form the nam...
0 replies
02.02.2024, 07:21
How can product categories and/or suppliers not be set to "vendor availability" in a product?
Tell me how to not set “supplier availability” for certain categories of products and/or for certain suppliers, that is, the checkbox should be unc...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
31.01.2024, 15:17
Filter by active product supplier
Good day, We have several suppliers for one product and we need a filter based on the active supplier in the product. It seems that there is su...
7 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.01.2024, 10:46
Refinement, an action that will set the price levels of the product set based on the price of the passport components
Good day, Kit with passport: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/product/40962/edit/ Passport: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/passports/210/edit/ P...
1 answer
20.01.2024, 19:05
Rate the improvements
Often there are more than 20 suppliers for one product, which differ not only in Price but also in Delivery Time. Selection by Price is handled ...
2 answer
12.01.2024, 17:33
Onebox and Keycrm integration
Good day! It is necessary to implement the transfer of orders from Keycrm to Onebox and transferring product balances from Onebox to Keycrm.
2 answer
10.01.2024, 20:26
The display of the "Product" field is lost
In all recorded records, the product field has been greatly compressed (to 7 letters per line). Due to this, it became very inconvenient to work wi...
8 replies
27.12.2023, 14:07
displaying category hierarchies
Hello. Is it possible to return the old view of the category hierarchy? Previously, the parent category in which I am located was highlighted (in t...
product names have been removed
for some reason, almost all product names were deleted (car tires category), please see what the matter is