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List of related questions and answers «Manage contacts and database of clients and leads»

5 replies
01.02.2023, 10:26
Import contacts
Good afternoon. We want to rename all contacts from Russian to Ukrainian. As a result, we received a ready-made excel file with a contact code, las...
3 answer
30.01.2023, 12:32
Formatting of 380 numbers was introduced
how to replace all existing contacts by performing this formatting, if mass actions with contacts do not make any changes, when you save only one c...
1 answer
Personal license
19.01.2023, 12:07
Rate the update for the contact fields
Please rate the finishing options: 1) modification of the variable (for letters and processes) so that it was possible to record the "balance" fiel...
4 answer
Personal license
06.01.2023, 19:18
Lost ID numbers in contacts
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/contact/ https://take.ms/xfOUm ID jumped up a lot. There are not so many remote contacts that the ID person would ju...
2 answer
30.12.2022, 10:31
New contacts appear automatically.
Good afternoon. We started to get new contacts from email newsletters. Everyone who writes to our corporate mail is automatically created as a new ...
0 replies
29.12.2022, 00:24
BUG new contacts and chat with viber and telegram are not created
Boxing - https://knkrd.1b.app/ in https://knkrd.1b.app/app/settings/contact/ checkboxes are https://ibb.co/6sRP4NG actions in automation https://kn...
4 answer
15.12.2022, 12:09
Block mapping for a role
Good afternoon, I am configuring the display of the universal block for the role, but the user does not see this block
7 replies
14.12.2022, 14:44
Filter display, does not display the field name normally
Good afternoon The design does not transfer the field name for filtering, and the tooltip is not displayed by date https://absstroymarket.1b.app/a...
5 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
13.12.2022, 13:21
fix the operation of the contact interface block "Contact in the directory" (changes are not saved when editing a field with type "Boolean" when the value changes from "1" to "0")
the "Contact in the directory" block is displayed in the contact interface configured so that the job name and readiness fields can be ed...
2 answer
09.12.2022, 16:29
The phone number and email are not added to the contact card