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Gluing contacts by phone number

Есть необходимость работать с разными контактами в системе?
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Is it possible to somehow improve the recognition by the box of clients who have the same phone, but sometimes they enter the country code, and sometimes not.
Now for boxing 380999999999 and 0999999999 are different clients. He needs to glue them automatically.
Original question is available on version: ru


I also think it will be very convenient! And when searching, it would make life easier
27.11.2020, 15:45
Original comment available on version: ru

you can use number auto-formatting so that all numbers are converted to the same format - /admin/shop/phone_auto_format/
either from 380хххххххх to 0ххххххххх, or vice versa - https://prnt.sc/vr9tep
those. if you enter the number 380999999999 it will be reformatted to 0999999999
27.11.2020, 16:11
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, but it seems to me that when searching, it would be convenient to be able to search for any part of the number, and not a direct 100% match. By the way, the same applies to working with the "Search for duplicates" functionality.
27.11.2020, 16:32
Original comment available on version: ru

Mulach Marina Anatolievna
Employee wrote:

thanks I'll try. As I understand it, now new applications will go correctly, but what to do with the old ones, is it possible to mass-glue old clients who have the same number?
28.11.2020, 13:14
Original comment available on version: ru

you need to merge cards manually
30.11.2020, 11:18
Original comment available on version: ru

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