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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with delivery services»

7 replies
09.01.2024, 10:48
New mail error: Data is invalid. EntityRef: expecting ';'
There is a problem in creating a TTN for a new mail. If the product contains some special character, for example &) - the TTN is not created and gi...
1 answer
TTN is not created when automatically switching to a stage
When moving to the stage where the TTN should be created, an error occurs on some (not all) orders (see the appendix): RecipientWarehouse is denied...
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
26.12.2023, 14:08
Data with type and delivery address is not copied
There is an imperative need to separate two tasks: - order - delivery by Nova Poshta When we choose the Warehouse-Warehouse delivery type in ...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.12.2023, 10:46
The stage of the process does not change after the change of status
Good day, yesterday the process stages stopped changing depending on the statuses of Nova poshta. Examples of processes: https://owwa.crm-onebox.co...
0 replies
23.12.2023, 08:56
Search cities in two languages
By default, the New Mail api settings are set to "Ukrainian". The connection settings enable the ability to search for cities in two languages...
3 answer
21.12.2023, 17:35
Adding a ttn
Is it possible to create many ttn at a time 50+ take data from, for example, an Excel table
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
19.12.2023, 21:07
How do you pay for an order when paying through Nova Poshta upon receipt
Friends, how did you resolve the issue in order to make payments for orders when payment from the Client is accepted by Nova Poshta? Where and what...
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
18.12.2023, 19:02
There is a full order address, the city is not transferred from the address to the TTN Nova Poshta block
In the delivery problem, we display the system field: The address is order.order_clientaddress Data from this field are transferred to the TTN ...
3 answer
The invoice is not generated today
Good afternoon Today the Omniva invoice stopped being generated - it gives an error. We wrote to Omniva TP - we are waiting for an answer. How t...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.11.2023, 14:45
EVALUATE the update: Display the value from the additional field of the process instead of the ID of the task where the TTN was created in the TTN in n/z (order number)
Now the TTN displays the n/z (order number) value of the ID of the task where the TTN was created It is necessary that this value be taken from ...