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Setting up a telegram bot?

Good afternoon, please tell me, I figured out the integration of the telegram bot, I managed to set it up so that when writing a message, a process would be created.
But there was a need in the bot to implement the addition of 3 buttons with the output of information when they are clicked, but for the buttons to work, you need to execute setwebhook, and then the integration with Onebox stops working.
I have 2 questions:
1. Is it possible to implement on onebox so that it would be possible to add buttons in the bot and send a message when they are pressed?
2. Is it possible to execute a setwebhook on my script that will add buttons and a message, and on certain messages, so that the script would pass the message to onebox?
Original question is available on version: ru


try to check "use webhook" in telegram integration settings
31.01.2021, 15:02
Original comment available on version: ru

Gubko Alexander Sergeevich
Employee wrote:

Worth it, but as I understand it, you can use only one thing
31.01.2021, 19:20
Original comment available on version: ru

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