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List of related questions and answers «Financial and payment management»

1 answer
26.05.2023, 18:02
Please help. Error. The price with rounding is transferred to the receipt, although rounding is disabled in the settings
1. When fiscalizing, it gives an error "The amount of payments cannot be less than the amount of the check" https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/...
8 replies
26.05.2023, 12:20
Error. The price with rounding is transferred to the check, although rounding is disabled in the box
1. When fiscalizing, it gives an error "The amount of payments cannot be less than the amount of the check" https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/3...
OneBox record a YouTube video about the MUTUAL CALCULATIONS application
Please record a video about the logic of the "Mutual Settlements" application. But on the examples of customer and supplier orders. Thank...
1 answer
Where can I get an account ID for making payments?
This option is required in settings. And where to take it? Account ID for making payments
2 answer
07.05.2023, 13:26
Payment binding. Error
Good afternoon, there was a problem, unloaded payments are sometimes automatically pulled up to one client for some reason * Lyudmila. In these pay...
3 answer
Where to find the database of variables for payments in OneBox?
Good day. We need to generate an xml file with payments. Variables (screen) are required for configuration. But in the box database, only process v...
5 replies
27.04.2023, 16:24
Shift does not open and order fiscalization does not work
How to set up CPM synchronization with CheckBox, we had it, but now it has stopped working and is throwing an error
1 answer
27.04.2023, 14:16
Incorrect amounts when transferring a check to the Checkbox
Here https://sara.1box.link/41335/ On the button of the procedure "LiqPay" there is an action of fixing a check. Here https://sara.1box.link/app/ap...
2 answer
Personal license
20.04.2023, 10:44
The currency rate update OS from Privat stopped working
here are the settings: there is no Privat in the list. When trying to update the course like this - it opens a new window and nothing works. if yo...
1 answer
10.04.2023, 16:26
Bug. A problem with balances
Good day There was a problem https://1b.app/ua/forum/financial-and-payment-management/16831-balans-kliienta-b... According to the specific process,...