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List of related questions and answers «Client cabinets»

4 answer
07.11.2022, 10:19
Evaluate improvement. Add a field display condition to the universal LC interface settings block
In the universal block for setting the interface of the Personal Account, add the condition for displaying the fields as it was done in the univers...
15 replies
In the client's personal account, in the Product Name field, information from the Product Description field is pulled up
In the client's personal account, in the Product Name field, information from the Product Description field is pulled up. Why is this happening...
7 replies
03.11.2022, 16:40
Estimate Doopratsyuvannya. In the custom cabinet, a block list of processes, to add the ability to design processes for all coristuvachs.
Estimate Doopratsyuvannya. In the customization of the special office, a block list of processes, to add the possibility of inventing the process f...
3 answer
31.10.2022, 10:40
Please rate the revision. In the client's office in the comments, display only the name of the contact.
Please rate the revision. In the client's office in the comments, display only the name of the contact. We hide the surname and patronymic And...
1 answer
27.10.2022, 16:16
Display of processes in the personal account
Added the client to the group of contacts, opened the corresponding business process in the personal account with the display of processes where th...
4 answer
Implement the process of working with designers to pay bonuses.
There are designers who create prints for our products. Necessary: - Give them a sales bonus. - Show sales analytics, for each one separately (so t...
5 replies
07.10.2022, 15:27
The values of the phone and email fields are erased when editing in the client's account
The values of the phone and email fields are erased when editing in the client's account Brought several universal client blocks with client fi...
3 answer
07.10.2022, 15:16
Field layout bug. The layout of the fields changes when you open them for editing.
The layout of the fields changes when you open them for editing When the fields are closed they are all arranged in one column. When you start to o...
1 answer
06.10.2022, 10:25
Incorrect display of filters in the client's cabinet
Hello! In the client's account, in the fields of brands and categories, the client sees links instead of names. - these are brands are catego...
6 replies
03.10.2022, 15:33
Menu settings bug. The following settings work incorrectly: "Change of the folded side", "Copy of the folded side"
Menu setting bug in the Personal Account. The following settings work incorrectly: "Change of the folded side", "Copy of the folded ...