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List of related questions and answers «List of 2020 OneBox MVP changes»

2015896915 - Added "Add contacts to the tab Contacts process"
For the "Add contacts to the Contacts tab of the process" section, an adjustment has been added, which allows: - run spratsyuvannya dії w...
2015878223 - Improved display of events by contacts
In the contact events section, the display of the status of sending sms to the corresponding event has been added. Displayed in the same way as for...
2015853419 - Improved the functionality of the report "Forecast balance and calculation of purchases"
For the block "Standard forecast and purchase calculation" of the report designer, the ability to add your own field has been improved. T...
2015847268 - Improved the functionality of the action "Ukrposhta create TTN"
For the "Ukrposhta create TTN" action, the ability to generate shipments abroad has been improved. To do this, the corresponding settings...
2015827346 - Changed "PDF landscape orientation" setting logic
Previously, there was a global setting "Landscape PDF Orientation" - it included the landscape orientation of documents throughout the sy...
3 answer
30.03.2021, 19:11
Upgrade to MVP
There is a box https://box.ltec.com.ua/dashboard/ It has version Need to upgrade to MVP
2015763438 - Added variables to the action "Write value to additional field"
Variables have been added for the "Write value to additional field" action: [customkey|date_format] - date value from the process's a...
2015753196 - Improved the functionality of the action "Create payment processes"
For the automatic action once a minute "Create payment processes", the "Include payments" setting has been improved with the ch...
2015746569 - Improved the functionality of the action "Integration of XML products (Export)"
For the "Integration of XML products (Export)" action, the following has been improved: 1. action understands nesting in path names by ma...
2015750919 - Added the ability to edit new comments
In the settings of the "Feed of comments" block, a checkbox has been added "Allow employees to change comments left by them if 15 mi...