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List of related questions and answers «Workflows»

3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
13.07.2023, 08:13
Today, product tables in processes stopped being displayed
Good afternoon, please urgently help to solve the bug with the display of the product table in the orders, we cannot work. This morning most order...
6 replies
07.07.2023, 12:13
Refinement score
Hello! In the action "Jump stage by end of stage term" when selecting stages, you need the ability to select the transition to the previous stage, ...
4 answer
05.07.2023, 14:12
Number Format of Variables Product Amount and Order Amount
Can you please make the same format for numbers of variable sums: with the sum of 921.5, the format in the letter is as follows: {|$ordersum|} - ...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
23.06.2023, 12:01
Add settings to the "Create supplier process" action
Good day, Please update the action "Create supplier process", you need: 1. Add the ability to select Business process and status for creation 2. Se...
2 answer
16.06.2023, 11:48
Bug: different statuses are displayed in the process and the list of processes
Common mistake in processes. In the "History of stages" block, the process is in the "Cancel! Return the goods to the warehouse" status, but in rea...
2 answer
05.06.2023, 19:42
Change numbering in processes
Congratulations. Tell me, is it possible to change the numbering in the Process number field? It is necessary to make sure that all new transaction...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
05.06.2023, 14:00
Finalization of the action Sets the purchase price of the product of the process from the last warehouse operation
Good day, you need to add a check mark to the action "Set the purchase price of the product of the process from the last warehouse operation": take...
2 answer
The add process button does not work, the action (write document) also does not work
The add process button does not work, nor does the action (write document) https://krocus.1b.app/. When the action is performed, the stage selectio...
2 answer
15.05.2023, 10:54
"TTN forwarding delivery" add to "Fields involved in the search"
Guys, please add the search field "TTN redirect delivery" in the "Fields involved in the search". Thanks in advance.
3 answer
10.05.2023, 16:34
Operation of the PROCESS STRUCTURE block
Please make sure that the block does not disappear completely when the flag is in the OFF state, and in the absence of open processes. Now the s...