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Number Format of Variables Product Amount and Order Amount

Can you please make the same format for numbers of variable sums:

with the sum of 921.5, the format in the letter is as follows:

{|$ordersum|} - 921.50

{|$ordersumbase|} - 921.50

{|$e.sum|} - 921.5

ideally the format is like the variable {|$e.sum|} so that there are no zeros at the end
Original question is available on version: ru


You yourself can set how many digits after the decimal point should be everywhere. In the example above 2
05.07.2023, 14:35
Original comment available on version: ru

We wanted to get the same format as the variables from the basket {|$e.sum|} - 921.5, they display as many decimal places as there are and do not add zeros at the end.
And the variables {|$ordersumbase|} and {|$ordersum|} without additional settings always display 2 characters and add 0 if there are only tenths, for example, 921.50
If you set the setting that you gave, for example, the output of 1 character, then with two characters {|$e.sum|} will show 921.55, and in {|$ordersumbase|} and {|$ordersum|} rounding will occur: 921, 6.
Is it possible for {|$ordersumbase|} and {|$ordersum|} to work by default like {|$e.sum|}?
06.07.2023, 15:50
Original comment available on version: ru

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