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SMS send action setting

I have configured an action to send SMS, how to correct its work.
Now it sends SMS to the client after switching to Order Delivered status. those. if the parcel arrived at the branch of the NP and lies there for 2 days, it sends SMS. how to set up so that it does not send SMS if the parcel has already been picked up and is in a different status (different BP) Order received.

now, even if the parcel was transferred to another BP in less than 2 days, i.e. delivered to the post office and picked up earlier delivered and picked up here on the same day
then the action still sends SMS, even though the client has already taken the package.
This is extra money for SMS and calls with questions from customers, what kind of new package
Original question is available on version: ru


I can only recommend an intermediate stage, which will switch over the stage in 2 days - there is immediately sending SMS and returning to the previous stage, for example. And in the next, when the status changes, it will switch
01.09.2021, 15:56
Original comment available on version: ru

it's easier to turn it off.
I just understood the action as such - an order for this process was received and after 2 days, if it is still here, an SMS is sent to the client, and if the client took it and the order moved to the next status, then the SMS is not sent
01.09.2021, 17:19
Original comment available on version: ru

no, sending SMS is queued at the right time
01.09.2021, 17:36
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Administrator wrote:
no, sending SMS is queued at the right time

And if revision - the action works only if the process has not changed the Business process. like so
01.09.2021, 17:40
Original comment available on version: ru

And if revision - the action works only if the process has not changed the Business process. like so

not a very good option - add data, then delete them, etc.
it’s probably easier to do an intermediate stage, as I indicated, depending on how frequent your situations are that you need to send SMS in 2 days - if this is not enough, then there will be few switching to the notification stage - and without any modifications you can configure
02.09.2021, 11:19
Original comment available on version: ru

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