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Application Questions and Answers «Workflows constructor»

2 answer
04.03.2024, 12:19
Is it possible to use the urldecode.php function in the action "Calculate and write value to additional field if conditions are met"
Is it possible to use the urldecode.php function in the action "Calculate and write value to additional field if conditions are met" https://www.p...
2 answer
29.02.2024, 10:33
Improvement to the action “Merge processes with the same status and business process”: move the process to the required stage
Guys, please calculate the modification for the action “Merge processes with the same status and business process”. Now, the found process is being...
7 replies
The host is currently unable to process this request...HTTP ERROR 500
Good day, I need help, maybe someone has encountered Created a holding company, linked two companies under it that already have open processes with...
8 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
07.02.2024, 11:54
BUG: Unable to create additional fields for processes and process products
Please fix as it is not possible to create additional fields for processes and process products. I cleaned the cache, it didn't help. In total, t...
2 answer
ІнваФішки, консультант
06.02.2024, 15:36
BAG when using a variable when creating an account
Good day! Until recently, it worked correctly, but now, without any changes, an error appeared - the invoice indicates an incorrect price per produ...
The update commitment action does not work!
https://youtu.be/85odgxC7CL4?si=47qP0PaOfmUR2hvP&t=921 the video starts at 15:21 Here is a video from OneBox about the logic of the "update commitm...
A bug with the display of the final part
There is a problem, the fields are not displayed in the summary part, in particular the delivery.
4 answer
Is it possible to open client processes in a new tab?
I am attaching a screenshot. Added "recent client processes" to the business process interface. On Sunday, these processes were opened in a new tab...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
12.01.2024, 09:49
BUG: The Send message by email action is not revealed to make settings
Does not open to make adjustments I cleaned the cache
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
11.01.2024, 09:45
BUG: Bring back the ability to remove unnecessary blocks in the Add Form Designer
Please return the ability to remove unnecessary blocks to the Add Form Designer.