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Application Questions and Answers «Warehouse»

1 answer
Personal license
23.08.2023, 16:54
The data in the additional fields of the warehouse are not displayed
Data is not displayed in additional warehouse fields related to additional product fields. 1. When stocking, fill in the fields of the warehouse (s...
2 answer
23.08.2023, 11:17
Problem with column layout on the reserve page
Shifted table headers
10 replies
17.08.2023, 22:48
In the Warehouse application, add "see balances including child warehouses"
In the Warehouse application, add the ability to see the balances of the parent warehouse, taking into account the child ones. Here is a link to th...
Minimum product reserve
Good afternoon, tell me how to set up a notification to the employee by mail about reaching the minimum reserve of the product in the warehouse
5 replies
03.08.2023, 09:08
Add extra amount field in the general balance block in the warehouse
Here https://fr-auto.1box.link/app/storage/tab/balance/ In the "General balance in warehouses" block, you need to add the ability to add additional...
2 answer
28.07.2023, 00:59
Tell me, what is the value of "size (warehouse)" in the product itself responsible for?
During the inventory, they found failures in the processes associated with this value, but could not understand what function this value had. Can y...
Write-off of goods
Tell me if it is possible to somehow configure it so that it is possible to download a file for writing off goods, as there is such a function for ...
Mismatch of balances in warehouses at the docking of months
Good afternoon Interested in questions about changing the balance of warehouses 1. how the last two amounts differ https://prnt.sc/xYzDTDOeRckZ 2. ...
9 replies
21.07.2023, 13:15
Refinement: Create a new warehouse based on the parent warehouse
Please improve the action "Create a new warehouse", namely, so that you can select "Parent warehouse"
3 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
27.06.2023, 14:59
When selling goods, the reserve in the warehouse is not removed
Good afternoon The problem remains that when selling goods from a warehouse, the goods remain in reserve https://arp.1b.app/admin/shop/storage/rese...
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