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Application Questions and Answers «Privat24»

Does not raise payments from Privat24
There was such a problem. Does not withdraw payments from 3 FOPs from privat24, payment accounts: Rs-FOP Haydak N.S. , RS-FOP Golovan I.E. , RS-FOP...
9 replies
03.01.2024, 12:56
Statements from the fop private account are not pulled
In automation 1 time per minute https://sambag.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/ added by Privat24 Autoclient Account statement indicated the acco...
Payments arrive late_PrivatBank
Good afternoon Example of payment from banking https://prnt.sc/4-svF21btkNX of this payment in the specified OneBox account https://ukroptmarket.1b...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.09.2023, 10:21
Is it possible to connect to OneBox Privat-acquiring with payment through the terminal
There is a Privat 24 connection You can connect: - private account with cards - a business account with cards and a current account The question is...
10 replies
05.07.2023, 13:53
How to enable integration with a private bank
Good day. Is there an instruction on how to connect the integration with the private? Where to get data for zapenennaya fields? Thank you
2 answer
Personal license
20.04.2023, 10:44
The currency rate update OS from Privat stopped working
here are the settings: there is no Privat in the list. When trying to update the course like this - it opens a new window and nothing works. if yo...
2 answer
04.12.2022, 11:20
Privat24 payments stopped coming up
Good afternoon. Payments from Privat 24 are no longer added to the list of actual payments. Also, the actual balance on the card does not correspon...
19 replies
26.11.2022, 09:49
Payments from Privat24 (personal card) stopped loading
Payments from Privat24 (personal card) stopped loading. From the evening of 11/25/22. Cron is running. No one changed the settings, but I checked -...
2 answer
22.09.2022, 12:07
VERY URGENT! Please help. Payments are not received from Privat24
Guys, please help. Since yesterday evening, payments from private have come through once. That is, some come, and some do not. In the picture below...
4 answer
10.08.2022, 11:38
Payments from Privat24 are not loading
Action configured https://dikoros.1b.app/app/automatization/minute/edit/ Accesses in action are registered, but payments for some reason are not lo...