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Application Questions and Answers «Mail»

3 answer
How to remove excess data from the connected gmail mail box?
I connected the gmail mail to the box, all the mail from the account was uploaded, which is almost 8 GB, although there was no warning about the im...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
04.02.2024, 20:05
What variable to use to substitute the URL of the box in the form: https://url_my_onebox/...
It looks like there used to be a very useful variable like this, but I can't find a reference to it anywhere. I remember that Maksym Tyndyk made it...
4 answer
26.01.2024, 14:34
when the transition of the integration to OAuth is planned or how to make this transition
Good day, received a letter from GOOGLE gmail, please tell me - how to switch to integration with mail on OAuth? Please add OAuth protocol support....
4 answer
07.12.2023, 10:54
Sender's signature
Good afternoon. Please tell me where to indicate “Sender’s Signature” so that you don’t have to enter it manually every time you send it. I didn’t ...
Are the files on the connected mail @gmail.com taking up space on the OneBox drive?
I have Google Mail connected. They send me emails with attached files. Are these files taking up space on my account?
6 replies
Друкарня "Друкарик"
06.10.2023, 13:55
Integration with Google mail is partially not working
Box downloads incoming and outgoing messages that were sent from other services. When sending letters from Box, the letter appears in Events, but i...
7 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
28.08.2023, 10:39
The system does not receive letters
Here is the letter 08/28/2023 10:33 https://prnt.sc/fCs5y-KyePHf https://univer.1b.app/app/event/?evtypeArray%5B%5D=email&showhidden=1&da...
11 replies
Emails not being sent from box to gmail addresses
Hello boxing tcbs.crm-onebox.com. Emails are not sent to gmail addresses when exporting products and it is not possible to recover passwords in you...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
18.07.2023, 10:36
Sometimes documents are not sent
Here is the process https://sara.1box.link/55020/ From the status "NEW.ZMOVL" go to "Very. payment FOP" Documents are created on the status "Och....
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
04.07.2023, 19:30
Files and documents not attached
Here https://sara.1box.link/36872/?tabid=0 At the step https://sara.1box.link/admin/shop/workflowstatus/237/action/new/ there is an action "Send ...