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Application Questions and Answers «Currencies»

3 answer
Change key currency
Please change the currency from hryvnia to euro in your account http://3d-maxilla-hnt.space/
2 answer
15.02.2021, 16:49
base currency change
Good afternoon! I ask you to change the base currency to "KZT". Portal - azing.crm-onebox.com
22 answer
14.02.2021, 17:41
Displaying prices in the product card through the global search menu
Hello! Can you tell me if it is possible to set up the display of the product price in the global search card, so that the price currency is displa...
3 answer
12.02.2021, 17:49
Purchase price currency
When using the 1C integration module in OneBox, the currency of the purchase price is not recorded. All data is transferred, and the currency is se...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
09.02.2021, 09:57
change base currency to USD
https://texnika.crm-onebox.com/ please set base currency USD there is no data requiring recalculation in the box
3 answer
08.02.2021, 19:23
Currency for the online store
How to change the price in the online store (onebox) to UAH, as the main currency is $
2 answer
08.02.2021, 15:07
Bug: the currency in the subprocess changes when creating a subprocess from the parent "Order to the supplier"
How to leave the parent process currency in the subprocess (if this currency is not the system currency)? In the BP "Order to the supplier&quo...
7 replies
05.02.2021, 10:45
Withdrawal of the currency of products in the personal account
Product https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/44437/edit/ He has a price in dollars in his card It is displayed in the personal acco...