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List of related questions and answers «OneBox API Services»

Api OneBox - request for improvement
Good afternoon! You need to add the 'barcode' field to the /api/storage-balance/get/ method This is necessary to synchronize balances acros...
4 answer
24.08.2022, 09:18
response processing in the "Submit business process to API" action
Hello! The "Submit business process to API" action is configured in the procedure that sends an http request to the API and receives an a...
3 answer
14.08.2022, 07:53
Lost connection to site
The integration with opencart has stopped working (new orders do not come in onebox). At the same time, once a day we see sessions from the vanbox,...
Copy process link to add. process field
Good afternoon. There is a need to transfer the process link to third-party software through the API. How can I automatically copy the process link...
2 answer
02.08.2022, 23:09
Otrimannya zamovlennya
Good day /api/v2/order/get/ 1. Can you take away more than one (specify, as with the fields of the process) the fields of the products of the proce...
5 replies
25.07.2022, 18:59
Passing multipart/form-data files via API
Here is the procedure https://univer.1b.app/app/workflow/15/procedure/5/ you need to transfer the file via api request and multipart/form-data tran...
1 answer
IT Deo
25.07.2022, 14:26
API v2
Pass the product measurement unit to the api/v2/product/set/ method. I tried using the "unit" and "measure" fields, it doesn&#3...
3 answer
25.07.2022, 13:47
API v2 - pass process currency
It is necessary to transfer data according to the currency of the process, and the curencyid field itself, earlier in API v.1, was out of the blue,...
1 answer
21.07.2022, 10:44
Integration refinement
It is necessary to make integration with the platform https://www.ecwid.com/ Client site https://harborstore.com.ua/ API documentation https://api-...
4 answer
14.07.2022, 14:53
The 'filters' field is missing the filter name 'filtername'
API request api/v2/product/get/ with parameters "fields" => [ "filters" ] In the old API, filters came with the filtername f...