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Search results for query #net

8 replies
05.11.2020, 18:01
Why does it take the purchase price from the product card in processes, and not from acceptance - posting?
We made posting at the purchase price of 5 UAH and in the processes writes the purchase price from the product card https://prnt.sc/ve4t8v What is ...
2 answer
03.11.2020, 14:39
Justin integration setup
Please help with Justin integration. There are two problems: 1. it is not possible to create a TTN, writes that it is an error, and which one is no...
5 replies
Order status
Good afternoon, if you ordered, for example, 5 products, but 1 of the products did not arrive at the warehouse, how to understand that the order ne...
8 replies
02.11.2020, 17:33
Integration with Zoiper
Hello, we are setting up calls to work computers. Chose Zoiper - a free client for IP-telephony. I see that there is no integration with them, tell...
8 replies
02.11.2020, 12:17
Onovity box
Update, be kind, our box: https://delavega.crm-onebox.com/
3 answer
30.10.2020, 17:50
Action not working
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/test/115202/edit/ when switching to the procedure "Transferred to the store...
4 answer
30.10.2020, 16:55
Incomprehensible tasks
In the box http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/ there are tasks that are not visible to me in the global search, for example task number 115753. A...
8 replies
30.10.2020, 15:26
Sending SMS upon receipt of funds
Hello, I set up an automatic action that should send a "thank you for the payment" message every day at 15:00. It's 15:24 now, http:/...
5 replies
29.10.2020, 22:14
Flew completion on sending automessages
Hello, once again there was a failure in finalization, section 2 automatic actions once an hour", here is a screen from one of those tasks tha...
6 replies
29.10.2020, 19:50
Stopped receiving incoming emails
Incoming letters stopped coming, although the settings did not change, they just suddenly stopped coming. In this case, letters are sent from the box.

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