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Search results for query #ml@nspace

6 replies
New mail status
Please tell me there are actions to switch the status of the task if the status of the new mail has changed, except for the action "Move the b...
6 replies
Is it possible to remove an event from my events section?
Good afternoon! Can you please tell me if it is possible to delete an event from the My Events section?
13 replies
15.10.2020, 17:56
Turn a letter into a process: continued
Times: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/email/1414-avtomaticheskoe-deystvie-i-deystvie... Two: https://crm-onebox.com/...
9 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
15.10.2020, 10:49
Email attachment not showing up in box
Here is the task https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/issue/24467/edit/ And there is no attachment in the task There are some files, but this is no...
4 answer
When creating a BP from a letter, the file is not attached
Good afternoon! The action in the automation "Turn a letter into a process" is configured and when creating a BP from a letter (with a fi...
3 answer
Remove parent from subprocess
Good afternoon! Please tell me how to create a task or process with a BP and at the same time that the process / task is separate, does not pull th...
4 answer
Please describe the new revision of the red fields in the interface
Good afternoon, please describe the new revision of the red fields in the interface. Is it just a hint that this field is already displayed? Or is ...
1 answer
08.10.2020, 09:35
Sales automation and customer management in agribusiness (microtechnics and fertilizers)
The client has agribusiness (sale of microagrotechnics, fertilizers). The main reason for looking for a system is the loss of customers due to the ...
4 answer
Describe the principle of operation of the action Distribute business processes on an employee by day
By what principle does boxing distribute tasks if you put the action "Distribute business processes on an employee by day"? I set this ac...
7 replies
Start the process automatically from a call
How can I set it up so that when answering a call, a BP is automatically created (not from a button in a pop-up window, but automatically)? What do...

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